NCCL Mission


Reports, articles, and videos to inform your ministry.


Reports, articles, and videos to inform your ministry.


Pathways to an Intentionally Intergenerational Parish

3 Parts written by John Roberto, Originally Posted on the NCCL Blog

"In a time where people long for connection, community, and belonging and where loneliness and isolation is so widespread, parish communities can become welcome environments for acceptance and relationships across generations." 
These articles include strategies and learning models for forming faith with all ages.

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Practices for Forming Faith Intergenerationally

Part of NCCL's Insights & Practices from Research & Theory Series

Research studies show that intergenerational faith formation plays a crucial role in the faith transmission process. This report presents the benefits of intergenerationality, important research findings and effective practices, and practical strategies for becoming an intentionally Intergenerational church.

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Family and Intergenerational
Faith Formation Survey

Prepared by the NCCL Research Team

Compiling feedback from a total of 303 Catholic parishes, almost 500 individual contributors, this report's key findings identify how Catholic parishes are implementing family faith formation and intergenerational (all ages together) faith formation.

Download the PDF

Seeking Catechetical Resources for other Groups?

Click the category name to find reports, articles, and conference videos about forming faith... 

with Families & Parents Intergenerationally with Adults
with Children with Adolescents with Young Adults

Click the category name to find reports, articles, and conference videos about forming faith... 

with Families & Parents
with Children
with Adolescents
with Young Adults
with Adults

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