NCCL Mission


Reports, articles, and videos to inform your ministry.


Reports, articles, and videos to inform your ministry.


Planning for Parish Catechesis - Part 3

Written by John Roberto, Originally on the NCCL Blog

The 2-article conclusion of this series proposes six systemic approaches that can stimulate your thinking about new initiatives in 2024-25. Explore multi-platform programming, menus of formation experiences, catechumenal processes, a seamless system for families, and more...

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Planning for Parish Catechesis - Part 2

Written by John Roberto, Originally on the NCCL Blog

A follow-up to the installation on evaluating the past year of formation, this article explores Thinking Systemically. Develop strategies to effectively address challenges by looking at the parts of your programming as connected rather than isolated...

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Evaluation Tools

Accompaniment to Part 1 of Planning for Parish Catechesis

Spring is a good time to reflect and evaluate programming while everyone’s experience is still fresh. This is the time to capture your personal learning and engage all those participating in faith formation in sharing their stories and experiences. This article presents three types of evaluation: Personal, Team, and Participant. There is a downloadable “Evaluation Tools,” document (in Word) with a variety of evaluation tools that you can customize for your purposes.

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Planning for Parish Catechesis - Part 1

Written by John Roberto, Originally on the NCCL Blog

In preparation for the next year of formation programming, this article titled It's Time to Evaluate offers reflection prompts for assessing the current year's success as related to personal experiences, leadership performance, and participant learning. Includes 4-Quadrant Evaluation.

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Developing Leaders

Written by John Roberto, Includes a "Leadership System Checklist" 

"According to research studies, only about 10% of “registered” members are actively engaged in ministry leadership positions in most churches... If only 10% of members are accomplishing more than 80% of what your church is doing today, imagine what 20% or 30% could do."
This article explores the mindset and actionable strategies needed for engaging leaders.

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Building Capacity for Faith Formation

Written by John Roberto, Originally on the NCCL Blog

"It is not an overstatement to say that most churches today have capacity challenges. Leaders find it increasingly more difficult to sustain and expand their ministries due to what they experience as a lack of resources..." This article dives into scarcity and abundance mindsets, in addition to a useful capacity assessment for your parish.

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Seeking Catechetical Resources for other Groups?

Click the category name to find reports, articles, and conference videos about forming faith... 

with Families & Parents Intergenerationally with Adults
with Children with Adolescents with Young Adults

Click the category name to find reports, articles, and conference videos about forming faith... 

with Families & Parents
with Children
with Adolescents
with Young Adults
with Adults

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